2014 INOE 2000. All rights reserved.

1)Maria  Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Seismic precursors and climate fluctuations assessment through time series geospatial and in-situ monitoring data, Book of Abstracts of the 5th EARSeL SIG On Geological Applications Workshop 2014, 16-20 June 2014 Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 978-83-63245-57-3, p 273, ORAL .

2)Maria ZORAN, Roxana SAVASTRU, Dan SAVASTRU, Earthquake presignals assessment in Vrancea geotectonic active zone through satellite and in-situ monitoring data. 14th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics Constan?a, Romania, 2-4 Iulie 2014,  Book of Abstracts  p. 207, - POSTER .

3)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru., Earthquake anomaly recognition through time series satellite data, "GEOMAPPLICA"1st International Geomatics Applications Conference Conference, 8-11 Septembrie, Skiathos, Grecia, Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-960-88490-8-2, p.39, ORAL.

4)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Marina Tautan, Temperature- urban land cover interactions derived from time-series MODIS and Landsat satellite data, "GEOMAPPLICA"1st International Geomatics Applications Conference Conference, 8-11 Septembrie, Skiathos, Grecia, Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-960-88490-8-2, p.92, ORAL.

5)M. A. Zoran; R. S. Savastru; D. M. Savastru, Time series satellite and ground-based data for detecting earthquake anomalies.  Conf.SPIE Remote Sensing Europe,  Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications, 22 - 25 September 2014, Amsterdam, Olanda- ORAL.

6)M.Zoran, R.Savastru, D.Savastru, Anomalous Land Surface Temperature Detected from Time-Series Satellite Data as Precursor of Strong Earthquake, 35th EARSeL Symposium - European Remote Sensing: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, 2015, Abstract Book, p.197-198- ORAL

7)M.Zoran, A.Dida, Use of time-series satellite remote sensing data for assessment of climate and anthropogenic impacts on forest land-cover, 35th EARSeL Symposium - European Remote Sensing: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, 2015, Abstract Book, p. 144-145 ORAL

8) M.Zoran, R.Savastru, D.Savastru , M.Tautan, L.Baschir, A.Dida, Assessment of Bucharest Urban Green Land-Cover Changes through Time-Series Satellite Data,
2nd EARSeL International Workshop on Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-19, 2015, Abstract Book, p.88 -POSTER

9)M.Zoran, R.Savastru, D.Savastru, , Earthquake Precursors Assessment In Vrancea Region Through Optospectral Satellite And In-Situ Monitoring Data, Book of Abstracts, 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics Constan?a, Romania, July 2-4, 2015, Editors:  Rodica VLADOIU, Aurelia MANDES, Virginia DINCA BALAN,p. 146-147 -ORAL

10)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Marina Tautan, Sorin Miclos, Laurentiu Baschir," Satellite Imagery For Assessment Of Bucharest Urban Green Changes",  Book of Abstracts, 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics Constan?a, Romania, July 2-4, 2015, Editors:  Rodica VLADOIU, Aurelia MANDES, Virginia DINCA BALAN,   p 160 -POSTER

11)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Adrian Dida, TIME SERIES SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING DATA FOR ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE AND ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACTS ON FOREST VEGETATION, Symposium Applied Climatology, Constanta, 19-21 August 2015-ORAL

12)M.Zoran, , A. Dida, Impacts of climate and anthropogenic pressures on forest ecosystems in Romania from satellite data, Book of Abstracts, 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics Constan?a, Romania, July 2-4, 2015, Editors:  Rodica VLADOIU, Aurelia MANDES, Virginia DINCA BALAN,  p.162-163-POSTER

13)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Adrian Dida, Satellite Earth Observation Data to Identify Climate and Anthropogenic  Pressures on Bucharest Periurban Forests, Proc. AIP.Internat Conference Balkanik Physical Union 9 , aug.24-27 2015, Istanbul, ORAL

14)Maria A. Zoran ; Adrian I. Dida and Liviu Florin V. Zoran, " Impact of climate and anthropogenic changes on urban surface albedo assessed from time-series MODIS satellite data SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2015,  Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications VI, 21-24 September 2015 -POSTER.

15)Maria A. Zoran ; Roxana S. Savastru and Dan M. Savastru, " An Integrated Geospatial System for earthquake precursors assessment in Vrancea tectonic active zone in Romania ", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2015,  Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications VI, 21-24 September 2015-ORAL

16)Maria A. Zoran ; Roxana S. Savastru and Dan M. Savastru ," Time-series MODIS satellite and in-situ data for spatio-temporal distribution of aerosol pollution assessment over Bucharest metropolitan area ", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2015, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XX, 21-24 September 2015-POSTER

17)Maria A. Zoran and Adrian I. Dida," An assessment of the impact of climate change effects on forest land cover based on satellite data ", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2015,   Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XVII, 21-24 September 2015 -POSTER

18)Maria A. Zoran ; Roxana S. Savastru ; Dan M. Savastru ; Marina N. Tautan and Laurentiu V. Baschir, " Urban green spatio- temporal changes assessment through time-series satellite data ", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2015,  Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications VI, 21-24 September 2015 -POSTER

19)M.Zoran, R.Savastru, D.Savastru, , Lithosphere- Surfacesphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Model for Vrancea Seismic Zone in Romania, Proc. AIP.Internat Conference Balkanik Physical Union 9 , aug.24-27 2015, Istanbul, ORAL

20)M.Zoran, , Anomalous Radon Emission as Precursor of Medium to Strong Earthquakes, , Proc. AIP.Internat Conference Balkanik Physical Union 9 , aug.24-27 2015, Istanbul, ORAL

21)Maria A. Zoran, Dan M. Savastru, Time series geospatial data for earthquake precursors assessment in Vrancea tectonic active region in Romania, Workshop ESA Copernicus, 1-2 October 2015, Bucharest, Romania-POSTER

22)M.Zoran, D.Savastru, D.Mateciuc, Earthquake precursors assessment in Vrancea region through satellite and in-situ monitoring data, The National Symposium'75 Years from November 10th 1940 Vrancea Earthquake", Bucharest, 10 Nov. 2015, Book of Abstracts p.30-ORAL

23)M.Zoran, Earthquake precursory signature of Radon (222Rn), The National Symposium'75 Years from November 10th 1940 Vrancea Earthquake", Bucharest, 10 Nov. 2015, Book of Abstracts p.31-ORAL

24)M. A. Zoran ; R. S. Savastru and D. M. Savastru, " Synergistic use of geospatial and in-situ data for earthquake hazard assessment in Vrancea area ", Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2016), 4-7 april 2016, Paphos, Cyprus-ORAL

25) Dan M. Savastru ; Maria A. Zoran and Roxana S. Savastru, " Integrated remote sensing for multi-temporal analysis of urban land cover-climate interactions ", Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2016), 4-7 april 2016, Paphos, Cyprus -POSTER.

26)Maria Zoran , Dan Savastru, Adrian Dida, Climate change impacts and vulnerabilities assessment on forest vegetation through time-series multisensor satellite data,  ESA'Living Planet Symposium 2016', Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016 -POSTER

27)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Earthquake Anomalies Recognition Through Satellite and In-Situ Monitoring Data, EARSeL Symposium 20-24 June 2016, Bonn, Germany-POSTER.

28)Maria Zoran, Adrian Dida, Time-Series Satellite Imagery For Assesment Of Urban Green Changes, EARSeL Symposium 20-24 June 2016, Bonn, Germany-POSTER.

29)A.Dida, M.Zoran, "Use of geospatial data for forest vegetation condition assessment under climate and anthropogeic stressors", Workshopul International Balcanic de Fizica Aplicata IBWAP 2016, 6-9 July 2016 la Universitatea Ovidius , Constanta, Romania-POSTER.

30)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru , "Multiple Seismo-Anomalies Associated With Some Earthquakes Recorded In Vrancea Zone", Workshopul International Balcanic de Fizica Aplicata IBWAP 2016, 6-9 July 2016 la Universitatea Ovidius, Constanta, Romania-

31)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Marina Tautan, Laurentiu Baschir "Temperature- Urban Land Cover Interactions Derived From Time-Series Satellite Data "Workshopul International Balcanic de Fizica Aplicata IBWAP 2016, 6-9 July 2016,  Universitatea Ovidius, Constanta, Romania-POSTER

32)Maria ZORAN, Roxana SAVASTRU, Dan SAVASTRU, "Satellite remote sensing and in-situ data for assessment of aerosol climate effects on urban air quality", European Aerosol Conference 2016, Tours, France, 5-8 September 2016-POSTER

33)Maria ZORAN, Roxana SAVASTRU, Dan SAVASTRU, Adrian DIDA, "Urban air pollution dynamics assessment by use of 222Radon in the lower atmosphere", European Aerosol Conference 2016, Tours, France, 5-8 September 2016-POSTER

34)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru,  "Earthquake signature revealed by time series satellite and ground-based data "SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2016, 26-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.,-ORAL .

35)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Adrian Dida, "Impacts of urban growth and heat waves events on the urban heat island in Bucharest city", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2016, 26-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, U.K, -POSTER.

36)M.Zoran si A.Dida,"Remote sensing of climate changes effects on urban green biophysical variables", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2016, 26-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, U.K, -POSTER.

37)D.Savastru, M.Zoran,  R.Savastru," Synergy use of satellite remote sensing and in-situ monitoring data for air pollution impacts on urban climate", SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2016, 26-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, U.K, -POSTER.

38)Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Adrian Dida ,"Impacts of urban growth and heat waves events on the urban heat island in Bucharest city SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2016, 26-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, U.K, -POSTER.

  • SCIENTIFIC SUBSESION AT EARSEL SYMPOSIUM 2016, Bonn, 20-24 June 2016 , in frame of Session SE - 01: Disaster Risk Management 1 (icw UN-SPIDER),  20/June/2016: 1:30pm-3:00pm · Hall: S 29/31.
Session Chairs: Dr. Juan Carlos Villagran de Leon, UNOOSA / UN-SPIDER, Germany
si  Dr. Joachim Post, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Germany,

  • Special subsession :"Earthquake presignals inferred from satellite and in-situ monitoring"
Papers presented:

1)    Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, "Integrated System Monitoring for Seismic Surveillance of Vrancea Active Geotectonic Area Through Geospatial And In-Situ Data".

2)    Maria Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, "Earthquake Anomalies Recognition Through Satellite and In-Situ Monitoring Data".

3)   Guido Luzi, Matteo Albano, Roberta Anniballe, Christian Bignami, Elisa Carboni, Stefano Corradini, Michele Crosetto, Marcello De Michele, Nuria Devanthery, Licia Faenza, Don Grainger, Gonery Le Cozannet, Frank Marzano, Luca Merucci, Mario Montopoli, Marco Moro, Nazzareno Pierdicca, Alessandro Piscini, Daniel Racoules, Vito Romaniello, Simona Scollo, Claudia Spinetti, Salvatore Stramondo, Lucy Ventress, Urs Wegmuller, "APhoRISM EC 7FP, integrating satellite and ground data to improve products for seismic and volcanic crisis management: test and validation issues".
